“SSC Vocabulary Day 8: Understanding Our Election Commission”
Welcome to the SSC Vocabulary Series – Day 8!
Hello everyone, I hope you are all good and like the previous blog “SSC Vocabulary Day 7: India’s Key Events”. We’re making our SSC study material more exciting by including examples and pictures . Today, we are highlighting the 10 facts of Election Commission India and You can also share your ideas that can help us to make this even more interesting. All these words are asked in SSC exams.
How we do?
- First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
- Flash card – to improve the memory power
- Quiz
- Memory Game
- Write on the Paper
Let’s Start
- Splayed (Verb) – फैलाना
- Short Meaning: Spread out or apart
- Synonyms: Spread, Extended, Opened

September 27,2013, the introduction of the NOTA option splayed new choices throughout India’s voting scene
NOTA (None Of The Above)
2. Ephemeral (Adj) – क्षणिक
- Short Meaning: Lasting for a very short time
- Synonyms: Fleeting, Transient, Short-lived

The happiness of the first general election in 1951-52 was ephemeral, as the real work of governance soon began.
3. Decree (Noun/Verb) – अदालती हुक्म
- Short Meaning: An official order or decision
- Synonyms: Edict, Order, Mandate

Sukumar Sen, the first Chief Election Commissioner, issued a decree to ensure fair and free elections.
4.Gripe (Noun/Verb) – शिकायत
- Short Meaning: A complaint or grievance
- Synonyms: Complaint, Moan, Grumble

A common gripe among voters was the delay in transitioning to EVMs, which finally happened in 2004. Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)
5. Rendezvous (Noun/Verb) – पूर्वनिर्धारित समय और स्थान पर मिलना
- Short Meaning: A meeting at an agreed time and place
- Synonyms: Meeting, Appointment, Encounter

After the Lok Sabha is dissolved, citizens prepare for a democratic rendezvous because they have maximum six months to elect their new representatives.
6. Imbue (Verb) – भर देना
- Short Meaning: Inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality
- Synonyms: Infuse, Permeate, Inspire

The Indian electoral process is imbued with Official logo,”चुनाव का पर्व DESH KA GARV” .
7. Exhilarate (Verb) – आनंदित करना
- Short Meaning: Make someone feel very happy and excited
- Synonyms: Elate, Excite, Thrill

In 1989 (61st Amendment), the voting age in India was lowered to 18, creating an exhilarating among young voters.
8. Discerning (Adj) – कुशाग्रबुद्धि
- Short Meaning: Having good judgment or insight
- Synonyms: Perceptive, Astute, Insightful

Discerning voters in Nagaland were the first in India to use VVPATs. Voter Verified Paper Audit Trails (VVPATs)
9. Peripatetic (Adj) – जगह जगह घूमनेवाला
- Short Meaning: Traveling from place to place
- Synonyms: Nomadic, Itinerant, Roaming

Campaigning politicians lead a peripatetic lifestyle, traveling from one constituency to another.
10. Improvident (Adj) – अदूरदर्शी
- Short Meaning: Not having foresight; spendthrift
- Synonyms: Reckless, Careless, Wasteful

An improvident campaign strategy can lead to losses in the Lok Sabha elections.
Quiz Time
Memory Game
In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.
Write on the Paper

Hello! I’m Muskan Dhull, an education blogger passionate about making learning accessible and enjoyable for students preparing for competitive exams. . My goal is to provide students with effective learning methods and strategies that can help them to demystify the challenges of competitive exams and unlock the doors to success!
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