SSC BEST VOCAB SERIES For You Day18 Start Now!!

Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 18 !

  • First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Crossword
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Muster (Verb) – इकट्ठा करना
  • Meaning: Gather together
  • Synonyms: Assemble, Rally, Convene

2. Balmy (Adj) – सुखदायक

  • Meaning: Pleasantly warm
  • Synonyms: Fragrant, Pleasant, Redolent

3.Eulogistic (Adj) – प्रशंसात्मक

  • Meaning: Highly praising
  • Synonyms: Approving, Adulatory, Celebratory

4. Daunt (Verb) – भयभीत करना, धमकाना

  • Meaning: To intimidate
  • Synonyms: Dismay, Discourage, Deter

5. Bucolic (Adj) – ग्रामीण, देहाती

  • Meaning: Relating to the countryside
  • Synonyms: Rural, Rustic, Pastoral

6. Furtive (Adj) – गुप्त, रहस्यमय

  • Meaning: Secretive
  • Synonyms: Covert, Crafty, Sneaky

7. Suavity (Noun) – विनम्रता, चापलूसीपूणण

  • Meaning: Smooth manner
  • Synonyms: Politeness, Charm, Smoothness

8. Slender (Adj) – दबला-पतला

  • Meaning: Gracefully thin
  • Synonyms: Slim, Lean, Lanky

9. Debonair (Adj) – खुशमिजाज

  • Meaning: Confident, stylish, and charming
  • Synonyms: Charming, Elegant, Suave

10. Ulterior (Adj) – गुप्त

  • Meaning: Hidden
  • Synonyms: Secret, Covert, Hidden


1 / 10

What is an antonym for “ulterior”?

2 / 10

What is a synonym for “debonair”?

3 / 10

What is an antonym for “slender”?

4 / 10

What is a synonym for “suavity”?

5 / 10

What is an antonym for “furtive”?

6 / 10

What is a synonym for “bucolic”?

7 / 10

What is an antonym for “daunt”?

8 / 10

What is a synonym for “eulogistic”?

9 / 10

What is an antonym for “balmy”?

10 / 10

What is a synonym for “muster”?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.


This will help in spelling

Try to write down all vocab on the paper !!!!!

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