SSC Vocabulary Day 19 : Simple Example
Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 19 !
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well and like the previous blog “SSC Vocabulary Day 18 : Transport in India. We’re making our SSC study material more exciting by including examples, pictures, flashcard, quizzes, crossword and Memory Game in our SSC best vocab series .
Today, Our theme is based on Simple examples related to daily life. You can also share your ideas that can help us to make this even more interesting. All these words are asked in SSC exams.
How we do?
- First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
- Flash card – to improve the memory power
- Quiz
- Memory Game
- Crossword
- Write on the Paper
Let’s Start
- Attenuate (Verb / Adj) – कम करना
- Meaning: Reduce in force or effect
- Synonyms: Weaken, Reduce, Diminish
Rains attenuate commuter rush.
2. Diabolical (Adj) – क्रूर, अवप्रय
- Meaning: Disgracefully bad or unpleasant
- Synonyms: Devilish, Wicked, Evil
She laughed with diabolical glee at the chaos.
3.Chagrin (Noun / Verb) – खेद,पछतावा
- Meaning: Distress or embarrassment
- Synonyms: Annoyance, Disappointment, Dismay
After losing the match, he felt chagrin.
4. Docile (Adj) – विनीत, आज्ञाकारी
- Meaning: Easily managed or obedient
- Synonyms: Meek, Gentle, Obedient
The docile dog followed its owner obediently.
5. Expurgate (Verb) – काट छांट करना
- Meaning: Remove objectionable material
- Synonyms: Purify, Sanitize, Cleanse
The editor expurgated the article before publishing.
6. Avow (Verb) – स्वीकार करना
- Meaning: confess openly.
- Synonyms: Acknowledge, Admit, Declare
He avowed his love for her in front of their friends.
7. Benevolent (Adj) – दयालु
- Meaning: Well-meaning and kindly.
- Synonyms: Charitable, Generous, Kind-hearted
The benevolent villager donated to the orphanage.
8. Petulant (Adj) – चिड़चिड़ा, झिझकीला
- Meaning: childishly sulky or bad-tempered
- Synonyms: Choleric, Cranky, Grouchy
The customer’s petulant complaints irritated the waiter.
9. Passivity (Noun) – निष्क्रियता
- Meaning: The condition or quality of being inactivity
- Synonyms: Indifference, Lethargy, Aloofness
His passivity at work frustrated the bank crowd.
10. Candid (Adj) – स्पष्टवादी
- Meaning: Frank, outspoken
- Synonyms: Forthright, Direct, Honest
His candid admission in the courtroom.
Quiz Time
Memory Game
In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.
This will help in spelling
Write on the Paper
Try to write down all vocab on the paper !!!!!
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Hello! I’m Muskan Dhull, an education blogger passionate about making learning accessible and enjoyable for students preparing for competitive exams. . My goal is to provide students with effective learning methods and strategies that can help them to demystify the challenges of competitive exams and unlock the doors to success!
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