“SSC Vocabulary Day 9: Indian Personalities Shaping History and Culture
Welcome to the SSC Vocabulary Series – Day 9!
Hello everyone, I hope you are all good and like the previous blog “SSC Vocabulary Day 8: Understanding our election commission”. We’re making our SSC study material more exciting by including examples and pictures . Today, we are highlighting the 10 personalities related to India and You can also share your ideas that can help us to make this even more interesting. All these words are asked in SSC exams.
How we do?
- First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
- Flash card – to improve the memory power
- Quiz
- Memory Game
- Write on the Paper
Let’s Start
- Queasy (Adj) (व्याकुल)
- Meaning: Feeling nauseous or uneasy
- Synonyms: Sick, Squeamish, Anxious

Raja Ram Mohan Roy felt queasy, advocating for social reforms. “Father of the Indian Renaissance”
2. Poise (Noun/Verb) (संतुलित करना)
- Meaning: Graceful and elegant composure or balance
- Synonyms: Balance, Aplomb, Equanimity

Homi Bhabha’s poise starts India’s nuclear program with determination – Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) August 10, 1948.
3. Concoct (Verb) (मनगढंत)
- Meaning: To create or devise something, especially a story or plan
- Synonyms: Prepare, Construct, Devise

M. Visvesvaraya concocted solutions, helps in agriculture, improving irrigation and flood control. The Diwan of Mysore from 1912 to 1918.
4. Proselytize (Verb) ( धर्मान्तरित करना)
- Meaning: To convert or attempt to convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another
- Synonyms: Convert, Evangelize, Advocate

Swami Vivekananda spread Vedanta, Yoga globally, proselytizing Indian philosophy, spirituality. He attended Parliament of the World’s Religions, held in Chicago in 1893
5. Parlance (Noun) (बोली)
- Meaning: A particular way of speaking or using words, especially a formal or technical one
- Synonyms: Lingo, Vernacular, Colloquial

C. V. Raman simplified complex scientific concepts, making them accessible parlance-1930 Nobel Prize in Physics.
6. Bounder (Noun) (दुष्ट)
- Meaning: A dishonorable or unscrupulous man
- Synonyms: Rascal, Bastard, Dastardly

Mahatma Gandhi, a peaceful protester, stood against the violent English bounders. The initial protest was at South Africa in 1906.
7. Gumption (Noun) (सहज बुद्धि)
- Meaning: Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness
- Synonyms: Acumen, Discretion, Common Sense

Ramanujan’s gumption in math led to groundbreaking number theory discoveries. Membership in Royal Society in 1918.
8. Perfidious (Adj) (विश्वासघाती)
- Meaning: Deceitful and untrustworthy
- Synonyms: Disloyal, Deceitful, Untrustworthy

Mir Jafar’s perfidious actions during the Battle of Plassey on June 23, 1757 are well-documented in Indian history.
9. Apparition (Noun) (प्रेतात्मा)
- Meaning: A ghost or ghostlike image of a person
- Synonyms: Ghost, Spirit, Haunt

Aurangzeb’s love for music was an apparition amidst his rule.
Starts his rule on July 31, 1658
10. Ordain (Verb) (नियुक्त करना, आदेश देना)
- Meaning: To officially appoint or order
- Synonyms: Appoint, Decree, Consecrate

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on August 29, 1947, ordained as chairman, Indian Constitution Drafting Committee.
Quiz Time
Memory Game
In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.
Write on the Paper

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