Welcome to the SSC Vocabulary Series – Day 6!

Hello everyone I hope you are all good and like the previous blog of vocab series. As you know that we are adding examples and pictures to our SSC GK study material to make it better and more interesting . Today, we are highlighting the 10 pioneering sports women from India. All these words are asked in SSC exams.

  • First we remember the vocab with Images
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Inquisitive (Adj) ( जिज्ञास ) Curious about many things.
  • Synonyms: Curious, Inquiring, Analytical, Impertinent,

2. Beseech -”विनती करना” To ask for something earnestly.

  • Synonyms:  Beg, Request, Implore, Adjure, Appeal,

3. Procure -“प्राप्त करना” To get or obtain something.

  • Synonyms: Acquire, Obtain, Secure, Attain,

4. Limpid -“पारदर्शी” Clear and transparent.

  • Synonyms: Clear (weather), Clement, Cloudless, Transparent, Pellucid, Lucent, See-Through

5. Crusade -जिद्द A determined effort for a cause.

  • Synonyms: Campaign, Drive, Movement, Rally, Juggernaut, Bandwagon

6. Stroll -“टहलना” To walk leisurely

  • Synonyms: Stroll, roam, drift, wander, saunter, walk.

7. Verisimilitude – (वास्तविकता)

  • Synonyms: Realistic, believable.

8. Recapitulate – (संक्षेप में दोहराना)

  • Synonyms: To summarize.

9. Conjecture – (अनुमान)

  • Synonyms: A guess or speculation.

10. Visceral – (अंतर्ज्ञानी)

  • Synonyms: Deep, instinctive

Vocab Series Day 6

1 / 10

What is the meaning of “visceral”?


2 / 10

What does “conjecture” mean?


3 / 10

What is the meaning of “recapitulate”?


4 / 10

What does “verisimilitude” mean? 

5 / 10

What is the meaning of “stroll”?


6 / 10

What does “crusade” mean?


7 / 10

What is the meaning of “limpid”?

8 / 10

What does “procure” mean?

9 / 10

What is the meaning of “beseech”?

10 / 10

Which synonym best describes P.T. Usha’s spirit during the 400 meters hurdles at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?


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In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.

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