SSC BEST VOCAB SERIES For You Day11 Start Now!!

Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 11 !

Hello everyone, I hope you are all good and like the previous blog “SSC Vocabulary Day 10 : Our Environment. We’re making our SSC study material more exciting by including examples, pictures, flashcard, quizzes and Memory Game in our SSC best vocab series . Today, Our theme of vocab is based upon Cricket and You can also share your ideas that can help us to make this even more interesting. All these words are asked in previous SSC exams.

  • First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Games
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Ardour (उत्साह, तत्परता)
  • Meaning: Enthusiasm or passion.
  • Synonyms: Zeal, Fervor, Eagerness
Ardour (उत्साह, तत्परता)

2. Amble (धीरे धीरे चलना, टहलना)

  • Meaning: Walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.
  • Synonyms: Stroll, Saunter, Ramble
Amble (धीरे धीरे चलना, टहलना)

3. Famished (अति भूखा)

  • Meaning: Extremely hungry.
  • Synonyms: Starved, Ravenous, Voracious
Famished (अति भूखा)

4. Camaraderie (सौहार्द, साझा)

  • Meaning: Mutual trust and friendship among people.
  • Synonyms: Friendship, Brotherhood, Companionship
Camaraderie (सौहार्द, साझा)

5. Livid (रक्तहीन, बहुत अधिक नाराज)

  • Meaning: Extremely angry or furious
  • Synonyms: Furious, Incensed, Enraged
Livid (रक्तहीन, बहुत अधिक नाराज)

6. Clench (कसकर पकड़ना, कड़ना, मुट्ठी बांधना)

  • Meaning: To grip or hold tightly.
  • Synonyms: Grasp, Clasp, Hold
Clench (कसकर पकड़ना, कड़ना, मुट्ठी बांधना)

7. Obdurate (जिद्दी, हठीला)

  • Meaning: Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion.
  • Synonyms: Stubborn, Adamant, Inflexible
Obdurate (जिद्दी, हठीला)

8. Insoluble (ना घुलनेवाला, असमाधानीय)

  • Meaning: Impossible to solve or resolve.
  • Synonyms: Impossible, Inexplicable, Baffling
Insoluble (ना घुलनेवाला, असमाधानीय)

9. Interlude (अंतराल, मध्यांतर)

  • Meaning: A pause or break in activity.
  • Synonyms: Respite, Hiatus, Pause
Interlude (अंतराल, मध्यांतर)

10. Perusal (अवलोकन, अध्ययन)

  • Meaning: The action of reading or examining something carefully.
  • Synonyms: Scrutiny, Examination, Review
Perusal (अवलोकन, अध्ययन)

Vocab Day 11

Perusal (अवलोकन, अध्ययन)
                  ALL THE BEST

1 / 10

Perusal is synonymous with:

  • A)
  • B)
  • C)
  • D)

2 / 10

Interlude is synonymous with:

3 / 10

Insoluble is synonymous with:


4 / 10

Obdurate is synonymous with:


5 / 10

Clench is synonymous with:


6 / 10

Livid is synonymous with:


7 / 10

Camaraderie is synonymous with:


8 / 10

Famished is synonymous with:

  • A)
  • B)
  • C)
  • D)

9 / 10

Amble is synonymous with:


10 / 10

Ardour is synonymous with:


Your score is

The average score is 73%


In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.


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