SSC BEST VOCAB SERIES For You Day17 Start Now!!

Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 17 !

  • First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Crossword
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Overt (Adj) – स्पष्ट, खुल्लमखुल्ला
  • Meaning: Clearly visible; not hidden.
  • Synonyms: Apparent, Clear, Open

2. Alight (Verb/Adj) – उतरना, नीचे आना

  • Meaning: To come down and settle.
  • Synonyms: Descend, Disembark, Arrive

3. Captivate (Verb) – मोहित करना, मनमुग्ध करना

  • Meaning: Grab and keep someone’s attention.
  • Synonyms: Enchant, Fascinate, Allure

4. Irascible (Adj) – क्रोधी, चिड़चिड़ा

  • Meaning: Gets angry easily.
  • Synonyms: Cranky, Grumpy, Choleric

5. Tremulous (Adj) – कांपता हुआ

  • Meaning: Shaking slightly.
  • Synonyms: Shaky, Quavering, Timid

6. Tardy (Adj) – मंद, सुस्त

  • Meaning: Takes a long time to happen or come.
  • Synonyms: Delayed, Laggard, Dilatory

7. Disavowal (Noun) – अस्वीकरण

  • Meaning: Denial of any responsibility or support.
  • Synonyms: Denial, Rejection, Contradiction

8. Forlorn (Adj) – लाचार

  • Meaning: Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
  • Synonyms: Despondent, Sad, Miserable

9. Desecration (Noun) – अपवित्रीकरण

  • Meaning: Desecrating something sacred.
  • Synonyms: Profanation, Violation, Blasphemy

10. Predilection (Noun) – लगाव

  • Meaning: A preference or special liking.
  • Synonyms: Inclination, Bias, Affinity


1 / 10

What is an antonym for “predilection”?

2 / 10

“Desecration” could be synonymously described as:

3 / 10

Choose the antonym of “forlorn”:

4 / 10

Which synonym matches “disavowal”?

5 / 10

What is an antonym for “tardy”?

6 / 10

Which word best describes “tremulous”?

7 / 10

Choose the antonym for “irascible”:

8 / 10

“Captivate” is most similar to which word?

9 / 10

Which of the following is an antonym for “alight”?

10 / 10

What is a synonym for “overt”?

Your score is

The average score is 100%


In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.


This will help in spelling

Try to write down all vocab on the paper !!!!!

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