SSC Vocabulary Day 21 : Simple Examples
Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 21 !
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well and like the previous blog “SSC Vocabulary Day 20 : Simple Examples. We’re making our SSC study material more exciting by including examples, pictures, flashcards, quizzes, crosswords, and Memory Game in our SSC best vocab series.
Today, Our theme is based on Simple examples in our daily life. You can also share your ideas that can help us to make this even more interesting. All these words are asked in SSC exams.
How we do?
- First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
- Flash card – to improve the memory power
- Quiz
- Memory Game
- Crossword
- Write on the Paper
Let’s Start
- Lurid (Adj) (भड़कीला, भयंकर)
- Meaning: Bright and flashy, like colors that might hurt your eyes.
- Synonyms: Exaggerated, Ghastly, Grisly

The lurid purse caught everyone’s attention at the party.
2. Exorbitant (Adj) (अत्यधिक, हद से ज़्यादा)
- Meaning: (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high
- Synonyms: Excessive, Inordinate, Expensive

The common man paid exorbitant interest for the loan.
3.Odious (Adj) (घिनौना)
- Meaning: Extremely unpleasant
- Synonyms: Abhorrent, Abominable, Disgusting

The two companies found each other odious in the market.
4. Scram (Verb) ( भागना)
- Meaning: Leave or go away from a place quickly
- Synonyms: Abscond, Decamp, Elope

After the mistake, the child scrammed from the park.
5. Spume (Noun) (झाग)
- Meaning: : Foam or froth, especially that found on waves
- Synonyms: Bubble, Foam, Froth

The river was full of spume due to pollution.
6. Lousy (Adj) (बेकार)
- Meaning: Very poor or bad
- Synonyms: Very Poor, Awful, Terrible

The old TV’s picture quality was lousy.
7. Upbraid (Verb) (दोषी ठहराना)
- Meaning: Find fault with (someone)
- Synonyms: Berate, Scold, Chastise

During the financial loss, everyone upbraided each other.
8. Conscript (Noun/Adj/Verb) (सेना में भर्ती किया हुआ)
- Meaning: Enroll (someone) as a member of the armed forces
- Synonyms: Enlist, Draftee

Indian youth conscripted into army to serve their country.
9. Mordant (Noun/Adj) (कटु / तीक्ष्ण)
- Meaning: Sharp and critical, like humor that bites.
- Synonyms: Sarcastic, Acerbic, Caustic

Her mordant wit left everyone laughing at the party.
10. Gash (Noun/Verb) (गहरा घाव करना)
- Meaning: A long, deep cut or wound
- Synonyms: Breach, Cut, Slash

During the play, the child gashed after falling.
Quiz Time
Memory Game
In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.
This will help in spelling
Write on the Paper
Try to write down all vocab on the paper !!!!!
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Hello! I’m Muskan Dhull, an education blogger passionate about making learning accessible and enjoyable for students preparing for competitive exams. . My goal is to provide students with effective learning methods and strategies that can help them to demystify the challenges of competitive exams and unlock the doors to success!
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