SSC BEST VOCAB SERIES For You Day15 Start Now!!

Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 15 !

  • First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Immaculate (Adj) (शुद्ध, त्रुटिहीन)
  • Meaning: Perfectly clean or pure.
  • Synonyms: Clean, Unblemished, Perfect

2. Unscrupulous (Adj) (बेशरम)

  • Meaning: not honest or fair.
  • Synonyms: Scandalous, Unfair, Unprincipled

3. Vacillate (Verb) (असमंजस में पड़ना)

  • Meaning: To waver between different opinions or actions
  • Synonyms: Hesitate, Fluctuate, Oscillate

4. Evanescent (Adj) (क्षणभंगुर)

  • Meaning: short-lived.
  • Synonyms: Fleeting, Momentary, Brief

5. Grotesque (Adj) (भद्दा)

  • Meaning: Odd or unnatural in shape
  • Synonyms: Absurd, Bizarre, Hideous

6. Ameliorate (Verb) (सुधारना, बेहतर बनाना)

  • Meaning: To make something better or improve
  • Synonyms: Improve, Enhance, Better

7. Jettison (Verb) (फेंक देना, नहीं लेना)

  • Meaning: discard something unnecessary
  • Synonyms: Discard, Abandon, Reject

8. Perspicuity (Noun) (स्पष्टता)

  • Meaning: easy to understand.
  • Synonyms: Clarity, Lucidity, Transparency

9. Verity (Noun) (सत्यता)

  • Meaning: The quality or state of being true or real.
  • Synonyms: Truth, Honesty, F actuality

10. Impetuous (Adj) (उतावला)

  • Meaning: Acting or done quickly
  • Synonyms: Impulsive, Rash, Reckless


1 / 10

Choose the synonym for “Impetuous”:

2 / 10

Choose the antonym for “Verity”:

3 / 10

Choose the synonym for “Perspicuity”:

4 / 10

Choose the Synonymous for “Jettison”:

5 / 10

Choose the synonym for “Ameliorate”:

6 / 10

Choose the synonym for “Grotesque”

7 / 10

Choose the synonym for “Evanescent”:

8 / 10

Choose the antonym for “Vacillate”:

9 / 10

Choose the synonym for “Unscrupulous”:

10 / 10

 Choose the antonym for “Immaculate”:

Your score is

The average score is 40%


In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.

Try to write down all vocab on the paper !!!!!

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