SSC BEST VOCAB SERIES For You Day14 Start Now!!

SSC Vocabulary Day 14 : Indian Forces

Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 14 !

  • First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Resplendent (चमकीला, दीप्त)
  • Meaning: Shining brightly
  • Synonyms: Brilliant, Dazzling, Gorgeous

2. Jostle (धकेलना, धक्का देना)

  • Meaning: Push, elbow
  • Synonyms: Shove, Bump, Hustle

3. Fret (चिंता प्रकट करना)

  • Meaning: Worry
  • Synonyms: Agonize, Stew, Fuss

4. Consecrate (पवित्र करना)

  • Meaning: Make sacred
  • Synonyms: Sanctify, Bless, Hallow

5. Collude (साँठ-गाँठ करना)

  • Meaning: Conspire, plot
  • Synonyms: Conspire, Connive, Scheme

6. Obtrusive (अतिक्रमणकारी) (अत्यधिक ध्यान आकर्षित करने वाला)

  • Meaning: Noticeable, intrusive
  • Synonyms: Conspicuous, Invasive, Prominent

7. Ostracize (निष्कासित करना, जाति से बाहर करना)

  • Meaning: Exclude, shun
  • Synonyms: Banish, Exile, Expel

8. Parochial (सीमित, संकुचित)

  • Meaning: Narrow-minded
  • Synonyms: Insular, Provincial, Narrow

9.Mutilate (काटना, बुरी तरह नष्ट कर देना)

  • Meaning: Destroy, maim
  • Synonyms: Disfigure, Mangle, Cripple

10. Culpable (अपराधीक)

  • Meaning: Guilty, blameworthy
  • Synonyms: Liable, Responsible, Accountable


1 / 9

What is the antonym of “Resplendent”?

2 / 9

Choose the synonym for “Jostle”.

3 / 9

Which word is an antonym of “Fret”?

4 / 9

Find the synonym for “Consecrate”.

5 / 9

What is the antonym of “Collude”?

6 / 9

Choose the synonym for “Obtrusive”.

7 / 9

Which word is an antonym of “Mutilate”?

8 / 9

Find the synonym for “Parochial”.

9 / 9

Choose the synonym for “Culpable”.

Your score is

The average score is 77%


In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.

Try to write down all vocabs on the paper !!!!!

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