Welcome to the SSC Vocabulary Series – Day 5!

Hello everyone I hope you are all good and like the previous blog Day 4The Nobel Laureates from India of vocab series. As you know that we are adding examples and pictures to our SSC GK study material to make it better and more interesting . Today, we are highlighting the 10 pioneering women from India first to their respective fields. All these words are asked in SSC exams.

  • First we remember the vocab with multiple techniques
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Protrude (Verb) (बाहर निकला हुआ होना)
  • Synonyms: Bulge, Poke out, Distend.

2. Mundane (Adj) (साधारण, मामूली)

  • Synonyms:  Ordinary, Dull, Boring, Monotonous, Trite.

3. Ascription (Noun) (आरोपण)

  • Synonyms: Attribution, Assignment, Credit, Imputation

4. Labyrinth (Noun) (भूल भुलैया, अन्त गहन स्थान)

  • Synonyms: Maze, Web, Entanglement

5. Tinsel (Noun/Adj/Verb) (तड़क-भड़क, सजावट)

  • Synonyms: Pretentious, Glitter, Gaudy, Pseudo

6. Conjurer (Noun) (जादूगर, मदारी)

  • Synonyms: Magician, Charmer, Enchanter, Necromancer, Magus

7. Impetuous (Adj) (अविवेकी, जल्दबाजी)

  • Synonyms: Hasty, Impulsive, Foolhardy, Brash, Brazen

8. Feign (Verb) (बहाना करना, झूठा दिखावा करना)

  • Synonyms: Pretend, Fake, Sham, Simulate

9. Temerity (Noun) (गुस्ताखी, उतावलापन)

  • Synonyms: Audacity, Brashness, Brazenness, Chutzpah, Effrontery, Boldness

10. Fling (Verb) (डालना, फेंकना, दृढ़तापूर्वक कहना)

  • Synonyms: Throw, Hurl, Catapult


1 / 10

What does “fling” mean in this context?

2 / 10

What does “temerity” signify?

3 / 10

What does it mean to “feign” something?

4 / 10

If someone is “impetuous,” how might they act?

5 / 10

What is a “conjurer”?

6 / 10

What does “tinsel” typically refer to?

7 / 10

What is a “labyrinth”?

8 / 10

What does “ascription” involve?

9 / 10

How would you describe something that is “mundane”?

10 / 10

What does it mean if something “protrudes”?


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