Welcome to the SSC Vocabulary Series – Day 4!

Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well and like the previous blog Day 3 of vocab series. This is our first try where we are adding examples and pictures to our SSC GK study material to make it better and more interesting . Today, we are highlighting The Nobel Laureates from India. All these words are asked in SSC exams.

  • First we remember the vocab with multiple techniques
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Enigmatic (Adj) – गूढ, रहस्यमय
  • Synonyms: Puzzling, Equivocal, Ambiguous, Cryptic, Obscure, Inscrutable, Mysterious

2. Despondent (Adj) – निराश

  • Synonyms: Dejected, Sad, Morose, Discouraged, Forlorn, Hopeless

3. Affront (Noun/Verb) – अपमान, अपमानित करना

  • Synonyms: insult, Arouse, Offend, Outrage

4. Defer (Verb) – टालना

  • Synonyms: Postpone, Delay, Adjourn, Shelve, Set aside

5. Sordid (Adj) – घिनौना, अनैतिक

  • Synonyms: Besmirched, Unpleasant, Sleazy, Seamy, Abominable, Debauched, Dirty

6. Mellow (Adj/Verb) – कोमल, नरम

  • Usage A: (of a sound, flavor, or color)
    Synonyms: Dulcet, Euphonious, Melodious, Mellifluous
    Usage B: (of a person’s character)
    Synonyms: Tolerant, Amicable, Gentle

7. Nefarious (Adj) – कुटिल, घृणित

  • Synonyms: Wicked, Impious, Atrocious, Vile

8. Irresolute (Adj) – अनिश्चित, ढुलमुल

  • Synonyms: Doubtful, Undecided, Vacillating, Wavering

9. Commotion (Noun) – कोलाहल

  • Synonyms: Uproar, Turbulence, Disturbance, Ruckus, Din

10. Docile (Adj) – नम्रीत, अधीन

  • Synonyms: submissive, Obedient, Meek, Gentle, Easy-Going



1 / 10

Which word best describes someone who is easily led or taught, showing a readiness to be controlled or guided?


2 / 10

Which word best describes a loud noise or disturbance, often causing confusion?


3 / 10

Which word best describes a person who is unable to decide what to do, showing hesitation or uncertainty?


4 / 10

Which word best describes actions that are extremely wicked or villainous?


5 / 10

Which adjective best describes a sound that is pleasingly smooth or well-matured in nature?


6 / 10

Which word best describes a situation that is morally degraded or ignoble?


7 / 10

What does it mean to “defer” an event?


8 / 10

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the use of “affront” in a situation?

9 / 10

Which word best describes a person’s mood when they feel a deep sense of hopelessness?


10 / 10

Which of the following options is the best synonym for “enigmatic” as used to describe something that is difficult to understand or interpret?


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