SSC Vocabulary Day 12 : The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Welcome to the SSC Best Vocab Series – Day 12 !
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well and like the previous blog “SSC Vocabulary Day 11 : Cricket. We’re making our SSC study material more exciting by including examples, pictures, flashcard, quizzes and Memory Game in our SSC best vocab series . Today, Our theme is based on The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You can also share your ideas that can help us to make this even more interesting. All these words are asked in SSC exams.
How we do?
- First we remember the vocab through Images with related examples
- Flash card – to improve the memory power
- Quiz
- Memory Game
- Write on the Paper
Let’s Start
- Lurch (झटका)
- Meaning: – Sudden unsteady movement.
- Synonyms: Falter, Jerk, Stagger

Amit’s job loss lurched his family into poverty.
SDG 1: No Poverty.
2. Luminary (महान विद्वान)
- Meaning: A person who inspires others.
- Synonyms: Celebrity, Notable, Star

Indian Luminaries support UN’s education goals. SDG 4: Quality Education.
3. Haul (समेटना, ढोना)
- Meaning: Pull or drag with effort.
- Synonyms: Drag, Pull, Heave

A Campaign for hauling garbage supports clean city goal.
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
4. Vanity (घमंड)
- Meaning: Excessive pride in oneself.
- Synonyms: Conceit, Egotism, Pride

A good person dropped vanity, treating everyone with respect.
SDG 5: Gender Equality
5. Esurient (भूखा)
- Meaning: Hungry or greedy.
- Synonyms: Greedy, Ravenous, Voracious

Hunger (esurience) is a major cause of crime.”
SDG 2: Zero Hunger.
6. Austere (सख्त)
- Meaning: Severe or strict in manner.
- Synonyms: Harsh, Severe, Stern

The inspector’s austere rules ensure good jobs for workers.
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.
7. Serendipity (आकस्मिक लाभ)
- Meaning: The occurrence of events by chance.
- Synonyms: Fluke, Windfall, Blessing

Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin was serendipity and hard work.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.
8. Startle (चौंका देना)
- Meaning: Cause to feel sudden shock.
- Synonyms: Alarm, Surprise, Shock
9. Reconnoitre (देखभाल)
- Meaning: Survey or explore.
- Synonyms: Explore, Inspect, Survey

Explorers are reconnoitring land for our future generation.
SDG 15: Life on Land.
10. Delinquent (अवज्ञाकारी, अपराधी)
- Meaning: Showing or characterized by neglect.
- Synonyms: Negligent, Offending, Troublesome

Youth avoiding delinquency can transform the world.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
Quiz Time
Memory Game
In this Memory Game you have to remember picture used for the vocab.
Write on the Paper

Hello! I’m Muskan Dhull, an education blogger passionate about making learning accessible and enjoyable for students preparing for competitive exams. . My goal is to provide students with effective learning methods and strategies that can help them to demystify the challenges of competitive exams and unlock the doors to success!
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