Welcome to the SSC Vocabulary Series – Day 3!

Hello everyone I hope you are all good and like the previous blog of vocab series. First I want to tell you that we are coming with new ideas in this series. These ideas will implement tomorrow where we will try to add images which is related to SSC GK . All these words are asked in SSC exams.

  • First we remember the vocab with multiple techniques
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Demented (पागल)
  • Synonyms: Idiotic, Crazy, Deranged, Lunatic

2. Decimated (तबाह कर दिया)

  • Synonyms: Destroyed, Exterminated, Demolished, Annihilated, Desolated, Obliterated

3. Scorn (तिरस्कार)

  • Synonyms: Condemn, Disdain, Deride, Mockery, Ridicule

4. Apposite (उपयुक्त)

  • Synonyms: Appropriate, Apt, Pertinent, Relevant, Germane, Suitable

5. Indignation (क्रोध)

  • Synonyms: Anger, Annoyance, Fury, Ire, Resentment, Umbrage, Rage, Outrage, Irate

6. Exotic (विदेशी)

  • Synonyms: Strange, Bizarre, Outlandish, Non-native, Foreign, Tropical

7. Abysmal (भयानक)

  • Synonyms: Dreadful, Abominable, Awful, Terrible, Profound, Extreme, Unfathomable, Bottomless, Complete, Utter

8. Flair (प्रतिभा)

  • Synonyms: Talent, Aptitude, Knack, Gift, Style, Panache, Verve, Mastery

9. Rout (पराजय)

  • Synonyms: Defeat, Retreat, Crush, State of wild confusion, Discomfit

10. Felicity (आनंद)

  • Synonyms: Happiness, Joy, Rapture, Bliss, Euphoria

Day 3 Vocab Series

Try to remember the image description

1 / 10

When was the author overcome with felicity?

2 / 10

In the context of sports, what does “rout” signify?

3 / 10

What does having a “flair for public speaking” imply?

4 / 10

How would you describe the working conditions of laborers?

5 / 10

What characteristic is common to exotic flowers and birds?

6 / 10

What feeling did the saint’s arrest provoke among his followers?

7 / 10

Which of the following is a synonym for “apposite”?

8 / 10

What is the emotion expressed towards the new generation of politicians?

9 / 10

Which word best describes the effect of a nuclear bomb on a population, according to the given context?

10 / 10


  • What does “demented” mean?

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