Welcome to the SSC Vocabulary Series – Day 1!

Today, we are thrilled to kickstart our “Vocabulary Series,” tailored specifically to meet the demands of the SSC CGL examination. Each day, we will explore new words, their meanings, synonyms, and usage in sentences, ensuring you have a robust vocabulary arsenal at your disposal.

  • First we remember the vocab with multiple techniques
  • Flash card – to improve the memory power
  • Quiz
  • Memory Game
  • Write on the Paper
  1. Covenant (अनुबंध प्रतिज्ञापत्र)
  • Synonyms: Contract, Accord, Pact, Agreement, Treaty, Promise
  • Example: An international covenant was signed in the summit.

2. Gruff (कठोर, रूखे आचरण वाला)

  • Synonyms: Rough, Harsh, Throaty, Rasping
  • Example: “Can I get some water?” asked the wounded soldier in his gruff voice.

3. Ravage (विनाश, बर्बाद कर देना)

  • Synonyms: Demolish, Destroy, Ruin, Devastate
  • Example: The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.

4. Vindicate (न्यायसंगत सिद्ध करना)

  • Synonyms: Acquit, Clear, Exonerate, Exculpate, Free, Redeem
  • Example: Raman has evidence that will vindicate him.

5. Propitiate (शांत करना, रूठे हुए को मना लेना)

  • Synonyms: Appease, Allay, Alleviate, Assuage, Placate, Satisfy
  • Example: The goats or sheep were often sacrificed to propitiate an angry God in ancient times.

6. Premonition (पूर्वाभास)

  • Synonyms: Foreboding, Presage, Forewarning, Prognostication, Intuition, Hunch, Augury
  • Example: He had a premonition that his plane would crash, so he took the train.

7. Dilate (फैलाना)

  • Synonyms: Enlarge, widen, amplify, expand
  • Example: The doctor put drops in my eyes to dilate the pupils.

8. Torpid (आलसी सुस्त निष्क्रिय)

  • Synonyms: Dull, inactive, lethargic, idle, quiescent, sleepy
  • Example: My torpid brother rests on the couch all day.

9. Knavish (कपटी कुटिल)

  • Synonyms: Unscrupulous, dishonest, deceitful, conniving, crafty, cunning
  • Example: The knavish wolf was able to convince the pig to let him into his home.

10.Laconic (संक्षिप्त मितभाषी कम शब्दों में अपनी बात कहने वाला)

  • Synonyms: Brief, concise, terse, succinct, gruff, brusque, reticent, reserved, taciturn, gnomic
  • Example: “Hmm” was the laconic reply to his long text.



1 / 7

Give a synonym for "gruff".

2 / 7

What is a synonym for "covenant"?

3 / 7

Which word describes someone who is "brief and concise in speech"? 

4 / 7

Which word describes someone who is "lethargic or inactive"? 

5 / 7

What is a synonym for "dilate"? 

6 / 7

What does "premonition" refer to?

7 / 7

Which word means "to appease or satisfy"?

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The average score is 80%


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